It took us 10 years of research to discover how to improve the BurButler!


So from january 1st 2024, putting together a proven selection of the most useful burs from 44 years of experience, we have launched a range of Go2 Procedure sets for:

1. Go2 kit 5 Bur Restorative Procedure Kit With a round RA carbide for decay removal. Short and long cylinder FG Damond burs and a tapered diamond cylinder bur. That covers a lot of options! 

2. Go2 kit 10 Bur Restorative Procedure Kit With two sizes of round RA carbide for decay removal. A small round diamond for entry. A short cylinder FG diamond bur and two diameters of long cylinder burs A tapered diamond cylinder bur. A wheel bur for occlusal reduction and Medium and fine grit footballs for preparation shaping and occlusal adjustments. 

3. Go2 kit 10 Bur Crown and Bridge Procedure  Kit With a round RA carbide for decay removal. A long cylinder FG diamond bur. Medium and fine tapered end cylinder diamond burs. Medium and fine grit flat end diamond tapered cylinder burs. Medium and fine grit tapered burs. A cylinder round end cylinder bur. A football bur ( medium grit ). 

4. Go2 Kit 21 Bur Comprehensive Procedure  Kit .All of the above with 2 sizes of Veneer depth markers and a fine tapered cylinder diamond bur. This kit has three extra holes for you to add, eg your favourite polishing burs.

5. We also offer x 10 replacement packs of each bur to replenish the burs you discard.

With a simple solution and simple reordering system you can enjoy a tried and tested range of burs to suit your needs and simplify the processing and stock control of your favourite practice burs.

• How many burs have I left? 

• What burs will I need for this procedure?

• Do we have any replacement burs?

• What’s is the code to reorder this one? 

• Where did I get them from? 

 Our acclaimed autoclavable silicon base and lid, any size bur, latch or friction is gripped gently by the unique non-magnetic hole design that allows steam penetration for sterilisation. 

Once placed, your burs will not fall out, but can easily be removed and replaced, in the order you want, to make your own procedure kit. 

Try our kits with a “retail cover” (autoclavable 20 times) and you can then order more or order the bases in any colour with the fully autoclavable cover and select your favourite burs in Packs of 10 of each or any size bur. 

This will allow your team to refresh your burs as you use them and keep your sets organised in a systematic manner for your practice, 

       “saving time, saving money and standardising and simplifying” 

the whole process for all. To take this one stage further we have developed a selection of quality burs that will give you four options for pre-selected kits

Go2 Youtube video